Cinema Pairings is 2019’s Movie Night series at Caravaglia Studios. Curated by Andrew McCardle and organized by Whitney Browne, the series find cinematic cousins and screens them as compliments, each enhancing the understanding of the other.
January 9, 2019
Caravaglia Studios Movie Nights RETURN for 2019 with one of 2018's best films:
Come out for the screening of Alfonso Cuarón's tale of promise and loss, Roma (2018).
With Roma, Cuarón has constructed a tone poem, an epic narrative and a personal drama all in one. Dealing with the depths of responsibility and desire, and the collision points between the two, his film forgoes spectacle to bring us humanity. As we see deeper into the lives of our central figures, so too does our scope widen in conjunction to include all the strife and suffering, the elations and joys of those around them. Each layer reveals a new portrait; a life we dream to live, someone we dream to be, or someone we were when we were old, before we were born. (2h 15min)